I am romantic? No. I am libertine? No. What am I?

Romance is when two people
is devoted in their relationship.

Assalammualaikum :)
I've been reading this article called "are you a romantic or a libertine" by M. Scott Peck. Well, I might say the content attracts me to read them. It is interesting to see the author said about love, he called them 'symptom'. As for me, love have a very wide definition. It can be with your friends, family, your boyfriends, girlfriends and one and only, our creator of course. So, it can be called symptom if you only love someone when you started to care about that person.

In this entry, I want to talk about romance. The author define romance as "a prevailing sense of wonder or mystery surrounding the mutual attraction in love affair". When people start to try impress their lover with presents, flowers and in any kind of way, it is called romantic ritual. There are two types of "romantic ritual".
   a) Obligatory romance
       This type of romance is when, the lover will remember all special date and celebrate them according to the dates and give any present, celebrate birthday for their beloved. Not much of effort is needed because the lover will only be romantic in specific occasion.
   b) Optional romance
       This type of romance is spontaneous. They try to come out with different kind of ideas in order to impress their beloved and to make sure they still in their beloved heart. The lover do not only celebrate in specific date but they would celebrate it anytime they want. This type is more romantic and they will do anything to make sure their beloved happy.

Well, I prefer optional romance more because most of the girls love it when they get surprises not only on special occasion but in everyday life, don't they. Well I am. How about you?

Too many hearts being broken but one remained untouched.

What about libertine?
The Libertine only concerned with their own personal feelings with no regards of other. The famous person is of course Giacomo Casanova himself. He enjoy his life of being surrounded by many girls and not stick with only one person and only put their feelings first instead of their beloved. This type of love is somehow not preferable because it can hurt other people's feeling.
While, Romantic often treats their beloved as hard to possess but very precious to them. They will appreciates their beloved and do anything to make sure their beloved is happy and put their beloved feelings first instead of them. This will hurt that person if their love is a one-sided love. Sometimes it can make a person be very spirited,  but sometimes it can put you really down.

Do you rather have a Casanova or a Romantic?

Before I close my entry let we all asked ourselves :
Should one put aside his or her personal feeling and put the beloved object's feeling first?

Till then, ciao :)
Please be kind and comment, ThankYou

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